function WikiFormatter() { /* * This is the entry point, it takes a chunk of text, splits it into lines, loops * through the lines collecting consecutive lines that are part of a table, and returns * a chunk of text with those tables it collected formatted. */ this.format = function(wikiText) { this.wikificationPrevention = false; var formatted = ""; var currentTable = []; var lines = wikiText.split("\n"); var line = null; for(var i = 0, j = lines.length; i < j; i++) { line = lines[i]; if(this.isTableRow(line)) { currentTable.push(line); } else { formatted += this.formatTable(currentTable); currentTable = []; formatted += line + "\n"; } } formatted += this.formatTable(currentTable); return formatted.slice(0, formatted.length - 1); } /* * This function receives an array of strings(rows), it splits each of those strings * into an array of strings(columns), calls off to calculate what the widths * of each of those columns should be and then returns a string with each column * right/space padded based on the calculated widths. */ this.formatTable = function(table) { var formatted = ""; var splitRowsResult = this.splitRows(table); var rows = splitRowsResult.rows; var suffixes = splitRowsResult.suffixes; var widths = this.calculateColumnWidths(rows); var row = null; for(var rowIndex = 0, numberOfRows = rows.length; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++) { row = rows[rowIndex]; formatted += "|"; for(var columnIndex = 0, numberOfColumns = row.length; columnIndex < numberOfColumns; columnIndex++) { formatted += this.rightPad(row[columnIndex], widths[rowIndex][columnIndex]) + "|"; } formatted += suffixes[rowIndex] + "\n"; } if(this.wikificationPrevention) { formatted = '!|' + formatted.substr(2); this.wikificationPrevention = false; } return formatted; } /* * This is where the nastiness starts due to trying to emulate * the html rendering of colspans. * - make a row/column matrix that contains data lengths * - find the max widths of those columns that don't have colspans * - update the matrix to set each non colspan column to those max widths * - find the max widths of the colspan columns * - increase the non colspan columns if the colspan columns lengths are greater * - adjust colspan columns to pad out to the max length of the row * * Feel free to refator as necessary for clarity */ this.calculateColumnWidths = function(rows) { var widths = this.getRealColumnWidths(rows); var totalNumberOfColumns = this.getNumberOfColumns(rows); var maxWidths = this.getMaxWidths(widths, totalNumberOfColumns); this.setMaxWidthsOnNonColspanColumns(widths, maxWidths); var colspanWidths = this.getColspanWidth(widths, totalNumberOfColumns); this.adjustWidthsForColspans(widths, maxWidths, colspanWidths); this.adjustColspansForWidths(widths, maxWidths); return widths; } this.isTableRow = function(line) { return line.match(/^!?\|/); } this.splitRows = function(rows) { var splitRows = []; var rowSuffixes = []; this.each(rows, function(row) { var columns = this.splitRow(row); rowSuffixes.push(columns[columns.length - 1]); splitRows.push(columns.slice(0, columns.length - 1)); }, this); return {rows: splitRows, suffixes: rowSuffixes}; } this.splitRow = function(row) { var columns = this.trim(row).split('|'); if(!this.wikificationPrevention && columns[0] == '!') { this.wikificationPrevention = true; columns[1] = '!' + columns[1]; //leave a placeholder } columns = columns.slice(1, columns.length); this.each(columns, function(column, i) { columns[i] = this.trim(column); }, this); return columns; } this.getRealColumnWidths = function(rows) { var widths = []; this.each(rows, function(row, rowIndex) { widths.push([]); this.each(row, function(column, columnIndex) { widths[rowIndex][columnIndex] = column.length; }, this); }, this); return widths; } this.getMaxWidths = function(widths, totalNumberOfColumns) { var maxWidths = []; var row = null; this.each(widths, function(row, rowIndex) { this.each(row, function(columnWidth, columnIndex) { if(columnIndex == (row.length - 1) && row.length < totalNumberOfColumns) { return false; } if(columnIndex >= maxWidths.length) { maxWidths.push(columnWidth); } else if(columnWidth > maxWidths[columnIndex]) { maxWidths[columnIndex] = columnWidth; } }, this); }, this); return maxWidths; } this.getNumberOfColumns = function(rows) { var numberOfColumns = 0; this.each(rows, function(row) { if(row.length > numberOfColumns) { numberOfColumns = row.length; } }); return numberOfColumns; } this.getColspanWidth = function(widths, totalNumberOfColumns) { var colspanWidths = []; var colspan = null; var colspanWidth = null; this.each(widths, function(row, rowIndex) { if(row.length < totalNumberOfColumns) { colspan = totalNumberOfColumns - row.length; colspanWidth = row[row.length - 1]; if(colspan >= colspanWidths.length) { colspanWidths[colspan] = colspanWidth; } else if(!colspanWidths[colspan] || colspanWidth > colspanWidths[colspan]) { colspanWidths[colspan] = colspanWidth; } } }); return colspanWidths; } this.setMaxWidthsOnNonColspanColumns = function(widths, maxWidths) { this.each(widths, function(row, rowIndex) { this.each(row, function(columnWidth, columnIndex) { if(columnIndex == (row.length - 1) && row.length < maxWidths.length) { return false; } row[columnIndex] = maxWidths[columnIndex]; }, this); }, this); } this.getWidthOfLastNumberOfColumns = function(maxWidths, numberOfColumns) { var width = 0; for(var i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { width += maxWidths[maxWidths.length - i] } return width + numberOfColumns - 1; //add in length of separators } this.spreadOutExcessOverLastNumberOfColumns = function(maxWidths, excess, numberOfColumns){ var columnToApplyExcessTo = maxWidths.length - numberOfColumns; for(var i = 0; i < excess; i++) { maxWidths[columnToApplyExcessTo++] += 1; if(columnToApplyExcessTo == maxWidths.length) { columnToApplyExcessTo = maxWidths.length - numberOfColumns; } } } this.adjustWidthsForColspans = function(widths, maxWidths, colspanWidths) { var lastNumberOfColumnsWidth = null; var excess = null; this.each(colspanWidths, function(colspanWidth, index) { lastNumberOfColumnsWidth = this.getWidthOfLastNumberOfColumns(maxWidths, index + 1); if(colspanWidth && colspanWidth > lastNumberOfColumnsWidth){ excess = colspanWidth - lastNumberOfColumnsWidth; this.spreadOutExcessOverLastNumberOfColumns(maxWidths, excess, index + 1); this.setMaxWidthsOnNonColspanColumns(widths, maxWidths); } }, this); } this.adjustColspansForWidths = function(widths, maxWidths) { var colspan = null; var lastNumberOfColumnsWidth = null this.each(widths, function(row, rowIndex) { colspan = maxWidths.length - row.length + 1; if(colspan > 1) { row[row.length - 1] = this.getWidthOfLastNumberOfColumns(maxWidths, colspan); } }, this); } /* * Utility functions */ this.trim = function(text) { return (text || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" ); } this.each = function(array, callback, context) { var index = 0; var length = array.length; while(index < length &&, array[index], index) !== false) { index++; } }, this.rightPad = function(value, length) { var padded = value; for(var i = 0, j = length - value.length; i < j; i++) { padded += " "; } return padded; } }