Dean Wampler's Blogs
28 Sep 2006 | Which Takes More Discipline, XP or Waterfall? | Is XP an excuse for undiscplined hacking or is does it require more discipline than waterfall methods? |
21 Sep 2006 | Contract4J5 v0.6.0 Released | A new release of my open-source Design by Contract tool for Java that is implemented using AspectJ |
07 Sep 2006 | Should You Ever Override Concrete Methods? | There are several anti-patterns associated with overriding concrete methods, so don't do it! |
14 Aug 2006 | More on Rails and Ruby vs. Java and .NET | More Thoughts on Why Rails is Important |
04 Aug 2006 | Extracting Usage Documentation from Tests | Our tests document how to use our code. Why don't our documentation tools extract this information? |
20 Jul 2006 | Model-Driven Development: One Curmudgeon's View | In which our intrepid mentor bloviates on the role, if any, of MDD |
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