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!title Common Decency I was in the bathroom of a restaurant the other day and looked up to see a sign that said: |!c !3 It's not just| |!note !C !1 '''COMMON DECENCY'''| |!c !3 but also| |!c !2 ''Restaurant Policy''| |!c !3 that employees wash their hands after using these facilities.| The words COMMON DECENCY were very large and bright red. Clearly this was not a message to just the employees! I looked at my [[green wrist band][GreenWristBand]] and realized that there was a deep similarity. !commentForm -r #----- Blog Comment Marker (Please don't delete me) -----# !* Wed, 23 Aug 2006 00:13:01, Mehrdad Rashidfarrukhi, Common Decency Well said. We need a way to make this request testable though. *!
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