Uncle Bob's Blogs

20 Dec 2006 | New Blog Site | We have a new blog site. http://blog.objectmentor.com |
20 Dec 2006 | Java Dates | The horrible state of Dates in the Java standard library. |
5 Dec 2006 | Sketch Fighter | If you own a Mac, you need to get this game. |
26 Oct 2006 | Abstract Factory by Daniel T | Another "story" about Abstract Factory. |
20 Oct 2006 | The Hungarian Abhorrence Principle | Denoting data type in variable names implies a design flaw. |
18 Oct 2006 | Rubarian Notation | Egad! I am tempted to denote type in my ruby variable names! |
18 Oct 2006 | Craftsman 49 | Abstract Factory |
15 Oct 2006 | P2M2: Pair Programming Maturity Model | Pairing is useful, but... |
29 Sep 2006 | Craftsman Column | All the "Crafstman" columns, including some that never made it to print. |
6 Sep 2006 | Safe Computations | Math in a computer is not the same as math on paper. |
5 Sep 2006 | Convex Hull Timing | More on the preformance of computational geometry." |
4 Sep 2006 | Joel on Ruby | Joel says: "No! Don't do it!" |
2 Sep 2006 | The Yes and No Game | A fun game to play with preschoolers, with a twist. |
1 Sep 2006 | Untested Code is the Dark Matter of Software | Another response to Cedric |
1 Sep 2006 | The Danger of Mock Objects | A response to Cedric |
31 Aug 2006 | Making Messes in Ruby | It's easy! |
30 Aug 2006 | Refactoring Paralysis | I wish I had a refactoring tool in Ruby! |
28 Aug 2006 | Comparing the Speed of Java, C++, and Ruby | A simple benchmark with some surprises |
26 Aug 2006 | Stardust | An astronomy lecture, and a best man's toast. |
25 Aug 2006 | The Perverse Nature of Performance Tuning | It never works exactly the way you think. |
18 Aug 2006 | SRP in Ruby | The Single Responsibility Principle in Ruby |
17 Aug 2006 | Ruby Combinations | An issue with making Ruby code clean. |
14 Aug 2006 | Common Decency | Washroom Etiquette |
13 Aug 2006 | Rails | I've just started reading the (beta) Agile Web Development in Railsß |
2 Aug 2006 | Green Wrist Band | Get your own! |
12 Jun 2006 | Agile People Still Don't Get It | Response to a rant by Cedrick. |
10 Jun 2006 | Roman Numerals and Link Farmers | Ever more security measures. |
10 Jun 2006 | Taking Care | An attitude of development. |
8 Jun 2006 | Mac Book Pro Comic | More on a sweet machine. |
20 May 2006 | Mac Book Pro | A sweet machine. |
8 Apr 2006 | Wading through Code | Get your hip-boots on. |
23 Mar 2006 | New Java Enums are Cool | I have found the new Java Enums to be more than just curiosities. |
20 Mar 2006 | Architecture is a secondary effect. | Architecture is important to keeping a system flexible, changeable, malleable. But it's a secondary effect. |
15 Feb 2006 | Clean Code: Args. | An article about professionalism, craftsmanship, and refactoring. |
19 Jan 2006 | The Prime Directive of Agile Development. | At the heart of the Agile movement there is a central theme: 'Never Be Blocked' |
7 Jan 2006 | Agile means you never have so meet your deadlines. | A common myth |
30 Dec 2005 | On Documentation | Documenation is not evil, and is not anathema to Agile. |
1 Dec 2005 | John Vlissides | Obituary |
17 Nov 2005 | MSTDD | Microsoft's notion of TDD. |
8 Nov 2005 | Bounded Wildcards | More on the wonderfully twisted subtype relationships of generics. |
5 Nov 2005 | Is a list of circles a list of shapes? | Of the wonderfully twisted subtype relationships of lists. |
26 Oct 2005 | Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind? | A truly wonderful article (talk) by Charles Petzold |
25 Oct 2005 | Extract Class | A pleasant combination of refactorings using IntelliJ[?] (and Eclipse?) |
19 Oct 2005 | Analysis vs. Design | The difference between "what" and "how". |
10 Oct 2005 | Frackin' Variable Naming Contest | Please help me figure out what the name of this variable should be. |
7 Oct 2005 | The Bastard Child | Are unit tests the bastard child? How well do we treat them? |
6 Oct 2005 | The Three Rules of TDD | Test Driven Development is driven by three simple rules. |
5 Oct 2005 | The Sensitivity Problem | Software is very sensitive to error. Others have solved this problem. |
5 Sep 2005 | Palm Life Drive Premature? | Elegant, cute, not ready for prime time. |
30 Aug 2005 | Pronouncing Binary | How to pronounce binary numbers. |
27 Aug 2005 | World Weary XPers | Purity, Stridence, or just being Right? |
27 Aug 2005 | Joel on XP (Again) | Oh, Joel! |
25 July 2005 | The Agile Test | A set of questions I asked during my Agile 2005 Keynote. |
24 Jun 2005 | The Prime Factors Kata | Another Kata exploring a simple algorithm with rich implications. |
23 Jun 2005 | The Bowling Game Kata | A complete Kata worked out in tiny little steps. |
20 Jun 2005 | The Coding Dojo | A programming metaphor from the domain of martial arts. |
11 May 2005 | Principles of OOD | Eleven principles of object oriented design. |
10 May 2005 | Empirical vs. Analytical Analysis | A simple example showing the interplay between empirical and analytical analysis |
30 Apr 2005 | Visitor vs. instanceof | When should you use Visitor, Acyclic Visitor, and instanceof |
26 Mar 2005 | Conformance To Plan | Why is conformance to plan such a big deal? Especially since we almost never do. |
18 Mar 2005 | Joel and Eckel On XP | How can two such credible people come away with two such different views? |
13 Mar 2005 | Brain Surgery Guides | A Metaphor for Acceptance Tests. |
3 Mar 2005 | Just 10 Minutes without a Test | I lapsed for ten minutes. I paid the price. |
24 Feb 2005 | Vehement Mediocrity | Why do junior developers always argue that quality takes time? |
21 Feb 2005 | The Next Big Thing | The next big thing that will capture the industry's attention |
7 Feb 2005 | Incremental Architecture | Making long term sweeping architecture changes incremenally |
8 Jan 2005 | Stable Dependencies Fixture | Yet another fixture to complement the JDepend suite of FitNesse[?] fixtures. |
5 Jan 2005 | Module Metrics Fixture | A new fixture to complement the Module Dependencies Fixture in my previous blog |
23 Dec 2--4 | The JDepend Fixture | Merry Christmas Everyone. Here's a free gift for you all. |
7 Dec 2004 | Outlook. Ugh. | Who ARE these people? |
22 Nov 2004 | Home Computer of the Future | Is this a fraud? |
9 Nov 2004 | Singleton vs. Just Create One | The case against rampant use of the Singleton pattern |
23 Sep 2004 | The Web: Welcome to the 70's | Feeling sorry for myself. |
31 Aug 2004 | A Wonderful Race Condition | A cool discussion about an obscure technical detail. |
31 Aug 2004 | Speed Kills | Another Tortoise and Hare rant. |
21 Aug 2004 | Skepticism Leads to Understanding | A rant about something or other. |
5 Aug 2004 | I use Visitor all the time | A defense of the poor Visitor pattern. |
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