TestFailKeyword [add child]
TestFailKeyword [add child]
This is primarily necessary to test Fitnesse itself. We need the ability to show that Fitnesse will correctly fail a test when comparing different expected and actual values, but we need that test to turn GREEN so we don't have failing tests!
Works for primatives
int fixture | |
field | field? |
21 | fail[37] |
Works for strings
string fixture | |
field | field? |
some value | fail[some other value] |
Works for objects (people)
person fixture | |
field | field? |
Joe Smith | fail[Joe Smithe] |
You can even use the fail keyword to prove that the fail keyword works. In this test, we wrap "fail[Joe Smith]" inside a fail - so when the application returns a person named "Joe Smith", which fails to fail (get it?), the test PASSES!
person fixture | |
field | field? |
Joe Smith | fail[fail[Joe Smith]] |
And this one shows that "Joe Smith" (correctly) does not equal "failure[Joe Smith]"
person fixture | |
field | field? |
Joe Smith | fail[failure[Joe Smith]] |
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