The DotNet FitServer will look for your Fixture in any of the namespaces defined in an Import table.
By default, the DotNet FitServer includes the "fit" namespace. This test suite includes the "fitnesse.acceptanceTests" namespace in the SetUp fixture, and clears all namespaces (except "fit") after each test in the TearDown fixture.
Show that only "fit" and "fitnesse.acceptanceTests" are present. (If there are any other namespaces present already, this table will show a failure).
Namespace Inspector |
Namespace |
fit |
fitnesse.acceptanceTests |
fitnesse.handlers |
Add "some.namespace".
Import |
some.namespace |
Show that "some.namespace" is present.
Namespace Inspector |
Namespace |
fit |
fitnesse.acceptanceTests |
fitnesse.handlers |
some.namespace |
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