Michael Feathers Blog
09 Oct 2006 | The Morality of Error Checking | Can there be a one-size fits all policy for error recovery? |
06 Sep 2006 | Designing Away Preconditions | Preconditions aren't a given, sometimes they can be eliminated |
22 Aug 2006 | Liskov Substitution in Dynamic Languages | What is the analog of LSP in Ruby, Python, and Smalltalk? |
14 June 2006 | Vise | A tool which aids refactoring in java |
10 June 2006 | The Reluctant Global Variable | An example of "Just Create One" with an interface |
30 May 2006 | Refactoring Needs More Than Tests | The other precondition for refactoring |
27 May 2006 | The Golden Rule of API Design | Do unto others as.. |
20 May 2006 | Concepts That Don't Like To Be Named | How clear does a concept need to be to warrant a function? |
16 May 2006 | It's Time To Deprecate Final | It's the bain of testing |
11 May 2006 | Changing Notions of Design | Looking for a new norm |
07 May 2006 | Dealing with the Lame Duck Code Base | What makes code worth your care? |
27 Mar 2006 | Technologists Drive | Who drives technology change? |
25 Jan 2006 | Component-based Fixtures for FIT | Attempting a new structuring mechanism |
24 Jan 2006 | Programming On Your Own | Is Collective Code Ownership Bad For Beginning Programmers? |
14 Jan 2006 | Library Code versus Application Code | Do we treat these types of code differently.. should we? |
02 Jan 2006 | An Object Is A Choice | ..and a chance to choose wisely. |
30 Dec 2005 | My Recent Reads | The limit as reading list approaches infinity... |
04 Dec 2005 | Moving Toward Another Design Principle | Layers layers layers. |
10 Nov 2005 | Is Programming Too Easy? | Heresy? You decide. |
17 Oct 2005 | Things Happening At OOPSLA | Day 1 of the three ring circus |
05 Oct 2005 | Honest Code | Think code can't lie? Think again. |
20 Sep 2005 | Reviving Beauty | It's okay to love good code. |
31 Aug 2005 | Working Clean | Every craft has it's obsessions. Let's borrow some. |
23 Aug 2005 | Do you have Iteration Slop? | How long is your iteration, really? |
29 Jun 2005 | Refactoring Against the Red Bar | Red Bar Bad? Not so fast. |
31 Mar 2005 | Before Clarity | Good code is clear and understandable, so we should always attempt to keep code as clear as possible. Or should we? |
06 Apr 2005 | Inside the Design Mind | Learning about how the industry views design |
'The Team Room' - stories of life and work
22 Nov 2004 | The New Guy | Sally and Ramon test some code and discover something new about the new guy |
23 Nov 2004 | Ramon Walks Home | Ramon thinks about his day and politics at work |
24 Nov 2004 | Sally's Exploration | Sally looks at some cases for 'Pass Null' |
26 Nov 2004 | Mulling Null | Sally and Ramon compare notes before meeting Aiden for the first time as Development Manager |
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