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!title Pronouncing Binary My good friend Tim Conrad once told me the correct way to pronounce binary numbers. It's a very simple system: |0|''ooh''| |1|''oon''| |10|''twin''| |11|''twoon''| |100|''twindred''| |101|''twindred-oon''| |110|''twindred-twin''| |111|''tindred-twoon''| |1,000|''oon-twinsand''| |1,001|''oon-twinsand-oon''| |1,100|''oon-twinsand-twindred''| |10,000|''twin-twinsand''| |11,000|''twoon-twinsand''| |100,000|''twindred-twinsand''| |1,000,000|''oon-twillion''| |10,101,101|''twin-twillion-twindred-oon-twinsand-twindred-oon''| !commentForm !* Tue, 30 Aug 2005 20:21:02, Aaron, "The Princess Bride" was right! "Twoo wuv" is the correct way to describe a binary pairing. *! !* Wed, 31 Aug 2005 06:57:58, Dave Rooney, re:"The Princess Bride" was right! Inconceivable! *! !* Wed, 31 Aug 2005 09:26:08, David Chelimsky, re:"The Princess Bride" was right! I think that's "Incontheivable" *! !* Wed, 31 Aug 2005 14:34:55, Peter Herndon, I do not think that is spelled the way you think it is spelled... ;) *! !* Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:21:41, Chris Noe, Hey, this doesn't scale Twinsand Twillion .. then what? Taking inspiration from base 10, everything beyond illion is more -illions with different prefixes. Must this degenerate into a sort of onomatopoeic: TiTwillion, TiTiTwillion, etc ? *! !* Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:01:33, Roland Kaufmann, Hexadecimal numbers He didn't by any chance have a system for hexadecimal numbers too? It could come handy in reading Win32 error codes to my co-workers. *! !* Thu, 10 Nov 2005 18:22:25, Rob Wehrli, Regarding Scale... At some point, the "degeneration" of the syntax will "oohgle." :) Take Care. Rob! *! !* Wed, 4 Jan 2006 07:41:23, Bill Mason, You say "twindred", I say .... "doblemiento"? Since the decimal system has nomenclature sets that vary from language to language, are there also such equivalents for binary? *!
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