SuiteAcceptanceTests [add child]

FitNesse acceptance tests suites

>SuiteWidgetTests Specify the markup language of wiki pages.
>SuiteWikiPageResponderTests Specify general behavior of all wiki pages.
>SuiteEditResponderTests Specify the behavior of edit requests.
>SuiteResponderTests Specify the behavior of the responders.
>SuiteVirtualWikiTests Demonstrate the behavior of virtual wikis
>SuiteWikiImportTests Specify the behavior of the Wiki Import feature
>SuiteAuthenticationTests Specify the authentication design
>SuiteFixtureTests Specify the behavior of various fixtures
>SuiteTestRunnerTests Describe the behavior of the command line test runner
>SuiteSymbolicLinkTests Demonstrate usage and behavior of symbolic links
>SuiteFitDecoratorTests Demonstrate usage and behavior of Fit Decorators
>SuiteSlimTests Slim Specific Tests
>SuiteTestHistory Test History tests


classpath: classes
classpath: lib/*.jar


FitNesse is running on port: 80
variable defined: INTERNAL_PORT=9123


Collapse Set Up and Tear Down

variable defined: COLLAPSE_SETUP=true
variable defined: COLLAPSE_TEARDOWN=true