FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteResponderTests. SuiteSearchResponder.
TestTitleSearch [add child]

 Set Up: .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp (edit)
 Scenario Libraries

Title Search

Searches for the specified string in all of the WikiPage[?] title in the wiki.
It's triggered by the following URL:


 Included page: SamplePages (edit)
Here are some sample pages.
Page creator.
Page name. Page contents. valid?
PageAbc This page has ABCs true
XyzPage A page with XYZ true
BasePage This is the base page true
BasePage.ChildPage This is the child page true

First let's perform a silly search. We'll look for a page named blah.
Response Requester.
uri status?

Let's make sure the titles in and information is correct.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents Title Search Results for 'blah' true  

Make sure we get PageAbc in the result list.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents No pages matched your search criteria. true

Now search for ABC.
Response Requester.
uri status?

Make sure we get PageAbc in the result list.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents PageAbc true  

Now search for xyz.
Response Requester.
uri status?

Make sure we get XyzPage in the result list. Searches are case insensitive.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents XyzPage true  

Now search for the word page.
Response Requester.
uri status?

Make sure we get all 4 pages in the result list.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents PageAbc true
contents XyzPage true
contents BasePage true
contents BasePage.ChildPage true