FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteResponderTests. SuiteTestResponders. SuiteResponder.
TestPrunedPageIsExcluded [add child]

 Set Up: .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp (edit)
 Scenario Libraries
When you execute a suite page, FitNesse tests all the subpages
unless the Prune attribute on the Properties page is set.
This example shows just one test subpage of two subpages being executed.

Create a Suite page

script Page Builder
line !path classes
line !path fitnesse.jar
page SuitePage

Create two sub pages: 1 is tested, 2 is pruned/ignored

script Page Builder
line |!-fitnesse.testutil.PassFixture-!|
page SuitePage.TestPageOne

script Page Builder
line |!-fitnesse.testutil.PassFixture-!|
attributes Prune=true
page SuitePage.TestPageTwo

Now run the suite page.

Response Requester.
uri valid?
SuitePage?responder=suite true

Response Examiner.

The suite should report only the one TestPage[?] and should show no errors.

Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents TestPageOne true
contents TestPageTwo false
contents Test Pages:.*1 right true

The error log page should not have any errors

Response Requester.
uri valid?
ErrorLogs.SuitePage true

Response Examiner.

Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents Exit code.*0.*Time true