FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteSymbolicLinkTests.
TestCreatingAbsoluteSymbolicLink [add child]

 Set Up: .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp (edit)
 Included page: CreateAbsoluteSymbolicLink (edit)
Create an absolute symbolic link from a sub-page:

First we need to create some pages to play with.
Page creator.
Page name. PageContents. valid?
LinkingPage LINKING PAGE true
LinkingPage.LinkingChild LINKING CHILD true
LinkedPage LINKED PAGE true
LinkedPage.LinkedChild LINKED CHILD true

Now we create a symbolic link named SymLink. This links LinkedPage.LinkedChild as a child of LinkingPage.LinkingChild.
Response Requester.
uri status?
LinkingPage.LinkingChild?responder=symlink&linkName=SymLink&linkPath=.LinkedPage.LinkedChild 303

Creating a symlink will redirect back to the properties page.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? contents?
contents Location: LinkingPage.LinkingChild\?properties true  

Let's have a look at the properties view.
Response Requester.
uri status?
LinkingPage.LinkingChild?properties 200


The newly created symbolic link will be listed along with a link to the linked page.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents SymLink true
contents <a href=".LinkedPage.LinkedChild">.LinkedPage.LinkedChild</a> true