FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteWikiImportTests.
TestAutomaticUpdate [add child]

 Set Up: .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp (edit)
 Scenario Libraries

Importing pages can be configured to automatically update upon test.

Create a page tree to be imported.
Page creator.
Page name. Page contents. valid?
ImportedRoot !contents true
ImportedRoot.PageOne page one true
ImportedRoot.PageOne.ChildOne child one true
ImportedRoot.PageTwo page two true

Create an importing page.
Page creator.
Page name. Page contents. valid?
ImportingPage !contents true

This ImportingPage will now import the ImportingRoot page created above.
Auto Update is turned one
Response Requester.
uri valid?
ImportingPage?responder=import&autoUpdate=0&remoteUrl=http://localhost:9123/ImportedRoot true

We see all 3 pages imported.
Response Examiner
type pattern matches?
contents 3 pages were imported true

Sleep a bit so that the last modification time actually changes.
Sleep 1000

Change one of the imported pages.
Save Page Requester
uri save contents status!
ImportedRoot.PageOne?edit Some ultra fresh content 303

Now lets run the Suite.
Response Requester.
uri valid?
ImportingPage?suite true

An import message is displayed in the test output.
Response Examiner
type pattern matches? contents?
contents Updating imported content... true  

Looking at the imported copy of the modified page will reveal that it was indeed updated.
Response Requester.
uri valid?
ImportingPage.PageOne true

Response Examiner
type pattern matches?
contents Some ultra fresh content true