FitNesse. UserGuide. FitLibraryUserGuide.
GridFixture [add child]
GridFixture checks that a grid of values in the table matches the values in a 2D array.


a b
c d

The method string() in class GridFixtureUnderTest is as follows:

public Fixture strings() {
return new GridFixture(new String[][] {
{"a", "b"}, {"c", "d"} });

The grid can contain graphics:

The image file names in the table are compared against the File names supplied by the fixture.

The method images() in class GridFixtureUnderTest is as follows:

public Fixture images() {
return new GridFixture(new ImageNameGraphic[][] {
{ new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/wall.jpg"),
new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/space.jpg"),
new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/box.jpg"),
new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/space.jpg"),
new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/wall.jpg") }});